Jafari Personal Growth helps you have meaningful and fulfilling lives. We provide resources, inspiration, and guidance to support your journey of personal transformation. Together, we improve your relationships with yourself, others, and all of life.
PersonalGrowthGuide.com is an online directory of People, Programs, Events, and Places in the transformational learning industry. Think TripAdvisor for personal growth.
Find the next step of your journey here.
JafariGrowthAcademy.com is where personal growth practitioners go when they are serious about transforming an aspect of their lives. We seek out and collaborate with leading teachers who bring decades of experience and a deep commitment to helping students grow. We deliver their teachings to wider audiences by producing and distributing online programs covering various areas of personal growth.
Visit the Academy and check out our programs here.
Growth can be "inner journey" type personal growth and also economically. That's why a portion of all sales across our properties is dedicated to microfinance loan on a not-for-profit basis. We partner with Kiva.org as our primary platform for identifying opportunities to lend micro-loans to people trying to pull themselves out of poverty.
Want to lend alongside us? Join our microfinance lending team here.
Want to get in touch? Email us below with the link below.